Cavelo Blog

Offering expert insights on the changing threat landscape, industry trends, and best practices to protect your data.

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Two healthcare workers looking at a tablet
August 30, 2023

Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA) - What You Need to Know

HIPAA covers a series of data privacy and security standards designed to protect health information—data discovery and classification can help businesses achieve compliance.
Office workers walking down a hallway
Managed Service Provider
Attack Surface Management
August 23, 2023

Value for Money: 5 Ways MSPs and Their Customers Can Improve Attack Surface Management

Read on to learn how MSPs and their customers can collaborate to achieve and improve attack surface management.
Man standing up holding laptop
Data Classification
August 16, 2023

Understanding the Four Objectives of Data Classification

Classification of data varies across industries and data sensitivity. This blog explores the objectives of data classification for attack surface management.
Closeup of hands typing on a laptop
Data Loss
August 9, 2023

How to Minimize the Impact of Data Loss on Your Business

Minimizing the impact of data loss starts with prevention. Read on to learn how you can improve your organization’s security maturity and mitigate data loss.
Woman and man looking at a computer monitor
Data Loss
August 2, 2023

Data Loss in Cloud Computing - Everyone's Responsibility

This blog explores attacks targeting cloud computing providers and what organizations can do to prevent data loss in cloud computing.
Closeup image of baseball glove, basketball, and football
Data Classification
Data Protection
July 26, 2023

Not All Fun and Games: Professional Sports Teams are a Lucrative Target for Attackers

Professional sports teams face unique cyber risks. Read this blog to learn how data protection strategy and best practices can mitigate ever-evolving risk.
Close up of several file folders with labels like "violations" and "compliance"
July 19, 2023

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Compliance – What You Need to Know

The OWASP ASVS is an essential standard that when appropriately applied supports compliance with broader data governance requirements. Here’s what you need to know.
Man sitting at desk smiling at his computer screen
Data Protection
Best Practices
July 12, 2023

Data Protection and Confidentiality Training: 10 Best Practices for Your Team

Employees are your biggest cybersecurity risk. Here’s how to implement effective data protection and confidentiality training for your team.
Two office workers analyzing information on a computer screen
Vulnerability Management
July 5, 2023

Measuring Risk with Vulnerability Management Metrics

Vulnerability management metrics are critical to attack surface strategy. Learn key metrics and how they can apply to operational, executive and board-level reporting.
Two industrial engineers use tablet computer in factory setting
Risk Management
June 28, 2023

Supply Chain Security Management - How to Minimize Risk

Shared processes, audit cadences, and continuous monitoring can all support supply chain security – but how do you achieve it? Read this post for best practice tips.
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