Assess your external attack surface
Discovering your assets is the first step to risk management. Try out Cavelo’s attack surface management solution with a free external domain scan – just enter your email and business’s domain to begin.

Take control of your company's attack surface
Get your free external attack surface assessment from Cavelo today.
In the modern, connected workplace, continuous attack surface management is essential. Traditional data protection focused on protecting a business's perimeter. Today’s borderless environment eliminates the perimeter, creating a near-limitless attack surface.
Domain scanning and EASM cybersecurity solutions help mitigate risk to your external attack surface, including your public- and internet-facing assets.
The Cavelo platform continuously assesses your business’s assets, attack surface, and vulnerabilities so you can understand where your sensitive data is stored, how it’s protected, where it’s been used, and who has access to it.
How our domain scan works
Cavelo will scan your business domain to discover subdomains and open ports. Try it for free, then connect with our team to explore the complete attack surface management solution!
Enter your business email and domain
Receive your free external risk report
Work with our team to manage your risk